Chyawanprash: An Ancient Ayurvedic Rasayan to Boost Immunity & Longevity

Chyawanprash is an ancient ayurvedic health supplement that is being consumed by Indians for many years. As a super-concentrated and nutrient-riched herbal blend, Chyawanprash preserves the strength and stamina of an aging human body. Not just it helps to prevent various diseases but it also boosts our body’s immunity and promotes longevity. 

The Meaning of “Chyawanprash”:

The word “Chyawanprash” consists of two parts: “Chyawan” and “Prash”. “Chyawan” is known as the ‘degenerative change’ while “Prash” denotes a consumable food item. Overall, Chyawanprash is a foodstuff that offers multiple health benefits.

The Origin:

Typically, the word “Chyawanprash” was mentioned in various Indian sacred treatises like the Puranas and the Mahabharata. It is said that the Ashwini Kumar Brothers invented this herbal blend to reduce Chyawan Rishi’s age and increase his vitality. Ever since Chyawanprash got introduced, it has been an integral part of every Indian’s daily life. Irrespective of today’s socio-cultural differences, people from different age groups consume Chyawanprash consistently. Now, let’s have a look at the composition of Chawanprash.

Herbal Composition Details:

Chyawanprash, being a comprehensive metabolic tonic, contains more than 50 medicinal herbal extracts. This potent antioxidant herbal jam has the following main ingredients:

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): It is the main component of Chyawanprash which is a great source of Vitamin C. As a rich antioxidant, Amla has anti-aging and immunity-boosting properties. 
  • Guduchi: This famous ayurvedic herb helps to increase the protective white blood cells in the human body. It can also treat diseases like fever, anemia, diabetes, urinary infection, etc.
  • Shatavari: This adaptogenic herb is beneficial for human eyes which promotes vitality. It also helps the human body to cope with mental and physical stress and pacifies the human mind.
  • Brahmi: This traditional ayurvedic medicine can cure diseases like Alzheimer’s, ADHD, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. It boosts up the human memory by protecting the brain cells.
  • Ashwagandha: Enriched with antioxidants, Ashwagandha is a popular medicinal herb to treat anxiety and depression. Its chemical components help to calm the human mind and lower blood pressure.

Other components of Chyawanprash include Bala, Pipali, Gokshura, Vasaka, Bel, Aguru, Tejpatra, and many more. Each of these components has different health benefits. These herbal extracts are mixed with honey and some aromatics (Clove, Haldi, Cardamom, Cinnamon) to create the finished product. 

The Taste:

Chyawanprash has a thick fruit-jam-like consistency. It smells strong. It is neither too sour nor too sweet. Due to the added aromatics, it has a spicy aftertaste. Overall, it has a unique taste, combining sweet, sour, and pungent, that everybody loves. 

Ancient Claims About Chyawanprash: An Ayurvedic Rasayan

Chyawanprash is the premier Rasayana. Traditional Ayurveda practitioners often call it the “Ageless Wonder”. In ancient books, it’s mentioned that Chyawanprash helps to balance the three human doshas, including Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It simply means that Chyawanprash helps to regulate bioenergies and bodily humor. 

With time, Chyawanprash has passed the scrutiny of many scientific studies to validate the ancient claims regarding its therapeutic and medicinal usage. The herbal extracts found in Chyawanprash indeed have several health advantages that can mitigate many of today’s health concerns including:

  • It helps to keep the circulatory system healthy by removing toxins from distant blood vessels, tissues, and visceral organs. 
  • It builds a stronger congruent synergy to maintain all physiological functions of the human body with improved metabolism. 
  • It rejuvenates the whole body system to boost immunity so that the human body can fight against common diseases like cold, cough, asthma, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, etc.
  • It brings a calming and soothing effect on the human mind which treats anxiety and relieves stress to boost the body’s cognitive functions.
  • It can treat severe nervine health problems and prevent the ailments like joint pain, swelling, inflammation, and others.

All herbal components of Chyawanprash have been well investigated by the scientific community researchers. It is hard to prove the therapeutic usage and effectiveness of its active phytochemicals. However, this does not imply that Chyawanprash has no health benefits. As per ancient claims, regular intake of Chyawanprash can help to attain longer intellect and stronger immunity power.

Final Words: 

Day-by-day natural health products are gaining more importance over allopathic medicines owing to fewer serious side effects. Chyawanprash isn’t only cost-effective; it is easily available in the market as a validated consumable item for kids, teenagers, and older people. So many research reports support its effectiveness and curative health benefits. Hence, you can start having a spoonful of Chyawanprash in the early morning on an empty stomach to maximize its effectiveness on your body. In case you don’t like its jammy texture you can try chewable Chyawanprash Gummies, which you will surely love!